Working at SERI: Samuel Zinniker
Gain insight into the work of SERI: Samuel Zinniker is the Deputy Head of the Swiss Education System Unit.

What do you do exactly?
The core task of our unit is to coordinate the activities of the Confederation and the cantons in the area of education. Our main point of contact is the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). Together, we set up policymaking, administrative and expert committees, all sharing the common goal of maintaining and further developing Switzerland's permeable and high-quality education system.
What do you like about your work in particular?
Generally speaking, education is seen in a positive light. I enjoy working in this area. As far as individual tasks are concerned, the ones that interest me the most are the ones where I am closely involved with policymaking and can quickly see the results of my work. I particularly enjoy preparing the Federal Council's responses to parliamentary procedural requests. A published response to a political concern generally takes only a few weeks. I also greatly appreciate my interaction with team colleagues.
What challenges do you expect in the near future?
The most important project that I have been working on is 'further development of the general baccalaureate'. The Federal Council and EDK adopted the revised legal basis for this in the summer of 2023. However, before this could happen, extensive negotiations had to take place both at governmental and policymaking level. Compromises had to be found so that decision-making documents, legal texts and explanatory documents could be drawn up. As deputy head of this unit, I am also involved in other activities relating to the Swiss education system.