Working at SERI: Philip Berry
Gain insight into the work of SERI: Philip Berry is a Digital Communication Specialist.

What do you do exactly?
I am responsible for SERI's intranet and various communication applications such as the newsletter tool and the Limesurvey platform. I am also the webmaster for various project websites that we maintain with external partner organisations and manage SERI's YouTube channel. In addition, I provide SERI colleagues with guidance and training in the use of the SharePoint portal and our shared address management software.
What do you like about your work in particular?
I really like the wide variety of tasks that I carry out and the fact that my working days vary all the time: For example, in the morning I might prepare an intranet news bulletin for SERI employees and then work with colleagues to create and test a complex web survey. In the afternoon, I might then set up a SharePoint page for a project team and then post a video on YouTube.
What challenges do you expect in the near future?
Will the newsletter reach our target audience? Do we have enough views of the explanatory videos on our YouTube channel? Are we publishing intranet content that is relevant to our day-to-day work?
It's not just digital communication tools that are constantly evolving; the communication behaviour of our internal and external contacts is also constantly changing. We therefore need to regularly reassess the way in which we provide our information and adapt as needed.