Working at SERI: Flavia Bortolotto

Gain insight into the work of SERI: Flavia Bortolotto is a Project Manager of the Vocational Education and Training Unit.

Author: Laura Stirnimann
An employee of SERI stands in the stairwell

What do you do exactly?

As project manager for the Vocational Education and Training Unit, I provide guidance and support to various professional organisations and cantonal agencies, particularly for the review and revision of VET programmes. I am also in charge of the matters relating to the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate (FVB), which is an optional general education qualification available in most VET programmes. Right now, I am running the 'FVB2030' project, which mainly consists of revising the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Ordinance as well as the core syllabus.

What do you like about your work in particular?

In all projects, I am fascinated by the many different perspectives and interests of the partners involved in a given topic. I also really enjoy the process of seeking win-win solutions within system confines. I like giving suggestions that help people to resolve issues. I'm also fortunate enough to work in such a nice team, which of course makes the work all the more enjoyable.

What challenges do you expect in the near future?

In order for the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate to continue to enhance the appeal of vocational education and training and ensure permeability within the education system, the Confederation, the Cantons, professional organisations and the Swiss Conference of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions (swissuniversities) all need to recognise that they have a contribution to make. This is a challenge that we are addressing in the 'FVB2030' project as we develop a jointly coordinated strategy. On the one hand, companies must offer apprenticeship positions; on the other hand, the entitlement of FVB holders to enrol in higher education must be ensured through updated VET ordinances and coordinated teaching. In addition, universities of applied sciences must take into account the professional competences of FVB holders when developing their syllabuses and give proper value to them. 

Flavia Bortolotto, SERI Vocational Education and Training +41 58 481 40 49
Laura Stirnimann