Working at SERI: Christoph Hunizker

Gain insight into the work of SERI: Christoph Hunziker is a Project Manager in the Continuing Education Unit.

Author: Simone Keller
An SERI employee stands in front of the main entrance to SERI

What do you do exactly?

Our new Continuing Education Unit became operational in September 2022. It is responsible for implementing the Continuing Education and Training Act at federal level. In particular, I am in charge of funding and controlling organisations that pursue activities in the area of continuing education and training. In addition, I am the contact person for all CET-related questions. I also oversee individual projects for the review and revision of training programmes. 

What do you like about your work in particular?

My tasks are extremely varied and constantly influenced by new issues and concerns brought up by various stakeholders. I particularly enjoy being able to work in an official capacity, guiding and experiencing developments in the area of vocational, professional and continuing education and training. I also like helping different organisations to find solutions that are compatible with SERI's objectives and priorities. 

What challenges do you expect in the near future?

We are currently working to optimise the application and assessment process for continuing education and training organisations. The main challenge is to find coherent, efficient and strategically sound solutions that work for both the individual organisations and SERI. We are also examining possible development and funding paths for job-related continuing education and training. This is challenging because job-related CET is a very heterogeneous area and difficult to pin down.

Christoph Hunziker, SERI Financing and Project Support +41 58 483 61 57
Simone Keller