Working at SERI: Lea Bühlmann

Gain insight into the work of SERI: Lea Bühlmann is a Scientific Advisor in the ERIC group of the National Research Unit.

Author: Larissa Erdmann
A woman with short blonde hair and glasses in a striped blouse smiles at the camera.
Lea Bühlmann is a Scientific Advisor in the National Research Unit's ERIC group. Photo: COM SERI

What do you do exactly?

The ERIC team has been coordinating Swiss participation in European research infrastructure networks since the end of 2022. ERIC stands for European Research Infrastructure Consortium. This is a new legal structure created by the EU for the purpose of facilitating the joint creation and operation of research infrastructures by EU member states, associated countries, third countries and intergovernmental organisations. The ERIC team provides support and guidance to Swiss research communities and coordinates the activities of participating R&I partners. We also represent Switzerland at ministerial level at ERIC general assemblies and committee meetings. In our team, I am responsible for performing these tasks in relation to ERICs established for the humanities and social sciences.

What do you like about your work in particular?

I particularly like the combination of national and international aspects. We work with research communities and R&I partners in Switzerland and other countries. I find the ERIC community to be very dedicated, which makes the work even more stimulating. Finally, I really appreciate the fact that I am part of a great team of motivated colleagues at SERI. 

What challenges do you expect in the near future?

Consolidating the research infrastructure landscape is a challenge both at national and international level. One of the main hurdles is securing sustainable long-term funding for both the ERICs and participating Swiss research infrastructures. At national level, we also coordinate the various activities relating to research infrastructures and consult with the Swiss ERIC community to develop national policy further. 

Lea Bühlmann, SERI National Research +41 58 465 64 45
Larissa Erdmann